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P.O.W.E.R. Sessions - Season 3

ATO recently launched season 3 on our YouTube Channel! Our coaches are dedicated to bringing you inspiring, positive, brand new content each week that highlights how we are plugged into the community, helping youth be recharged, and emPOWERed through performing arts and creative expression! New content this year will include more family vlogs, behind the scenes footage, even more free performing art classes, community "LET's REACH OUT" tours, and most importantly, our P.O.W.E.R. Session Podcast Series where national industry leaders speak up and out for youth in performing arts! We will also post more reels and YouTube Shorts to highlight footage that doesn't make it into the P.O.W.E.R Session too! YOU DON"T WANT TO MISS A MOMENT of this MOVEMENT! If you are not subscribed YET, please go subscribe to the channel right here: ATO YouTube Channel Enjoy our new P.O.W.E.R Session vlog intro reel right here: SEASON 3 OPENER P.O.W.E.R Sessions are released every Friday at 5 pm!!!!

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