Thursday, 7.19.18 marked our one month anniversary of the partnership between DCY Outlet and Sunnyslope Youth Center!!!! How did we celebrate?....the boys challenged the girls to a hockey rematch because they were beat a few weeks ago (7.6.18) and this week, the were the victors...but I am sure...the girls will request a rematch....stay tuned!!!!
TOO HOT OUTSIDE...INDOOR HOCKEY...keeps us cool with no ice?????hmmmm.....
Practicing our PASSION....pursuing our PURPOSE!
We are eternally gratefully and humbly honored to be chosen to serve this community. In one month, relationships are being formed and strengthened, self-esteem is increasing and character traits are developing. Thank you SSYC for letting us stick around for a full month. Stick with us, the best is soon to come!